Colorado: Public Consumption is almost a reality. Colorado is the closest state where you will soon be able to sit in a Yogurt shop or a Coffee shop and enjoy a nice blunt with your newspaper. It won't be easy and the city is requiring a 30 day public hearing on each application. The Denver Rules also prohibit any sales of cannabis on the same property of a Business with a Liquor License.
North Dakota: It's finally happening the state is getting ready to finalize their Medical Marijuana regulations and after the Governor approves it there will be an 8 Week waiting period for applications. Right now the cultivators are only allowed up to 1000 plants but the new guidelines may change that or open it up for new licensing.
Pennsylvania: August 7th 2017 the health department has implemented a new check list for all dispensaries to help with the guidelines of the Medical Marijuana Program. The check list is there to help dispensary permittee in becoming operational within the 6-month period required under the temporary regulations. See Check list .
Rhode Island: Licensing and registration of new caregivers is on the rise. During the last 3 months Rhoda Island has registered an additional 1416 patients and 157 caregivers and 121 new authorized purchasers. Over 59% of the new registrations for patients Qualify under Severe Debilitating and Chronic Pain. For more information :