Arizona: Fraud from the enemy! Insys Therapeutics was accused of deceiving consumers to boast opioid sales , according to the Arizona Capital Times. Insys “lied to insurers, concealed key facts from doctors and patients, and paid doctors sham ‘speaker fees’ in exchange for writing prescriptions, all in order to increase the sales of Subsys,” Brnovich told the Capitol Times. Arizona was the only state in 2016 to not pass the recreational marijuana bill partly because of companies like Insys that know Cannabis is a healthier choice. Big Lobby money stopped it onces in Arizona, Fight back contact your governor and make sure it get's back on the ballot for 2018. Contact him here Ducey
Florida: Florida is Expanding their markets do to the extensive support by the medical community. There are over 1200 physicians in florida that will prescribe and recommend the cannabis products for pain relief. This is up from 300 original licenses voted on in November 2016. For those concerned about training for your physician you can relax knowing that all physicians are required to take a certified training course to be certified in the field of Medical Marijuana. For more information: Visit Florida Medical registration
Massachusetts: Voters you have some work cut out for you. Unfortunately the members of the CCC (Cannabis Control Commission) has voted against recreational use of Cannabis in your state, according to Britte McBride and Kay Doyle are the two committee members to vote no and stop the forward movement on ending prohibition. I suggest you wright a letter to them directly or at least to your governor Charlie Barker the person how appointed them. Don't let just a few have the last say on how you live your life. Do something about it! Contact the Governor Office hear
Montana: Billings residents loss out! Just passed by the city council a law that prohibit dispensaries from doing business with in the city limits. Montana voters large victory is still going to be a fight. I would expect Billings to get on board once they see the type of tax revenue they will be missing out on. But it is up to you Voters to contact your city council members and let them know you are not happy with their decision. Contact them here!