6 Reasons Marijuana should be Legalized.

6 Reasons Marijuana should be Legalized.

The benefits of marijuana exceed its negative effects. Should marijuana be legalized?

 Please join me and sign the Federal Petition. http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/legalize-medical-marijuana-5.fb49?source=s.fb.ty&r_by=17935245


Is Marijuana bad for you?

Some influential people have been changing their minds on the issue. A lot of studies have not been done, only 6% of studies on marijuana analyze its medicinal properties. Included top medical advisers to this country. More studies are needed to confirm these 6 medical proven benefits of Marijuana.


  1. Marijuana reduces the severe pain and nausea from chemo, and improves appetite

 People with cancer undergoing chemo suffer from painful nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. These can be responsible for more health complications. Marijuana is one of the most effective treatment in patients with cancer undergoing chemotherapy.

 Cannabis can help reduce these adverse effects, alleviate pain, decrease nausea, and improve appetite. There are a number of FDA-approved cannabinoid drugs that use THC, the main active chemical in marijuana, for the same purposes. This makes it possible for cancer patients to buy marijuana for these conditions.

2. Marijuana can help control alcohol over consumption

 Problems like alcoholism involve disorders in the endocannabinoid system. Because of that, some people think cannabis might help patients struggling with those disorders since its active ingredient consists of cannabinoids.

 It’s clear that marijuana is safer than alcohol. It’s still a huge problem why tobacco and alcohol are legal meanwhile marijuana is illegal in most parts of the world.

 Alcohol alone has devastating health consequences, and cannabis can help in curbing these adverse outcomes.

 According to Harm Reduction Journal, some people use marijuana as a less harmful substitute for alcohol, prescription drugs, and other illegal drugs. Some of the most common reasons for patients to prefer buying marijuana are the less adverse side effects and the fact that it is less likely to cause withdrawal symptoms.


 3. Marijuana can help deal with nightmares completely.

 For people suffering from serious nightmares, especially those associated with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, this can be helpful. Nightmares and other dreams occur during those same stages of sleep. By interrupting the REM part of sleep, many of those nightmares may not occur. Studies with medical marijuana have shown an enormous decrease in the number of nightmares in patients with PTSD.

 Marijuana is a better sleep aid than some other substances that people use. Some of those, including medication and alcohol, may potentially have even worse effects on sleep, though more research is needed on the topic. Some people strongly believe people should be able to buy marijuana at least to be able to rest the brain.


  4. Marijuana is beneficial to those suffering from PTSD.

 Marijuana's potential as part of treatment for veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder is currently under studies by the Department of Health and Human Services.

 In some states these patients can buy marijuana for this purpose already. In New Mexico, PTSD is the number one reason for people to get a license for medical marijuana. This is the first time the U.S. government has approved a proposal that incorporates smoked or vaporized marijuana.

 Naturally occurring cannabinoids, similar to THC, help regulate the system that causes fear and anxiety in the body and brain.


5.Cannabis helps with tremors for people with Parkinson's disease.

 Researchers from Israel show that smoking marijuana significantly reduces pain and tremors and improves sleep for Parkinson's disease patients. Particularly impressive was the improved fine motor skills among patients.

 Medical marijuana is legal in Israel for multiple conditions, and a lot of research into the medical uses of cannabis is done there, supported by the Israeli government. In Israel patients are more free to buy marijuana for medical purposes.



6. Pot is protective to the brain after a stroke.

 University of Nottingham researchers showed that marijuana helps protect the brain from damage caused by stroke, by decreasing the size of the area affected by the stroke (penumbra).

 It’s not the first research to show neuroprotective effects from weed. Some research shows that the plant may help protect the brain after other traumatic events, like concussions and contusions.


Please join me and sign the Federal Petition. http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/legalize-medical-marijuana-5.fb49?source=s.fb.ty&r_by=17935245


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